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康乃馨不會垂下花瓣,而是從花心緊緊擁抱它們直到死去,就像母親把孩子摟進心坎裡一樣,她們的母愛永遠不會死去-Ann Jarvis

母親節的由來要從美國20世紀一位和平主義者Ann Jarvis說起,Ann Jarvis的母親過世後Ann Jarvis在格拉夫頓的衛理主教會教堂,這是他首次發起把母親節當成節日的活動,而為什麼母親節是5月第2個星期天,是因為星期天最接近她母親的忌日。而色康乃馨是Ann Jarvis最喜歡的花,也成為這個節日的象徵。

Mother's Day began with Ann Jarvis, a pacifist in the 20th century, who was at the Methodist Episcopal Church in Grafton after the death of Ann Jarvis's mother, the first time he had launched a campaign to make Mother's Day a holiday, and why Mother's Day was the second Sunday in May because Sunday was the closest Sunday to her mother's day. Color carnations are Ann's favorite flowers and have become a symbol of the festival.

『Mother’s Day』?『Mothers’ Day』?

「母親節不是頌揚所有媽媽,而是頌揚你認識最棒的媽媽,也就是你媽。這就是為什麼Ann Jarvis強調單數的『Mother’s Day』,而不是複數的『Mothers’ Day』。」

Ann Jarvis specifically noted that "Mother's" should "be a singular possessive, for each family to honor its own mother, not a plural possessive commemorating all mothers in the world."

祝大家母親節快樂 Happy Mother’s Day




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