



  • dear

  • honey

  • darling

  • baby

  • sweetheart

此外,還有一些句子也十分應景,例如"match made in heaven"是形容一對情侶有如天作之合; "I love you the moon and back"則是指「我非常的愛你」。

今天要給大家推薦兩首適合在情人節聽的西洋歌曲,分別為Calum Scott在2018年發佈的You are the reason以及Ed Shren在2017年發佈的Perfect。兩首都是觀看次數超高的經典情歌,趕快學起來,在情人節這天獻唱給你的另一半吧!點選歌名標題可以連結到YouTube的MV,並搭配以下的完整歌詞及翻譯來做學習喔!

我的心在跳動 There goes my heart beating
因為你就是原因 'Cause you are the reason
我失眠了I'm losing my sleep
請現在回來Please come back now
我的思緒開始飛速發展And there goes my mind racing
而你就是原因And you are the reason
我還在呼吸That I'm still breathing
我現在絕望了I'm hopeless now
我會攀登每座山I'd climb every mountain
暢遊每一個海洋And swim every ocean
只為和你在一起Just to be with you
並修復我所受傷的And fix what I've broken
哦,因為我需要你看到Oh, 'cause I need you to see
你就是原因That you are the reason
我的手開始顫抖There goes my hands shaking
而你就是原因And you are the reason
我的心一直在流血My heart keeps bleeding
我現在需要你I need you now
如果我能讓時光倒流And if I could turn back the clock
我會確保光明戰勝黑暗I'd make sure the light defeated the dark
我會花每一個小時,每一天I'd spend every hour, of every day
確保您的安全Keeping you safe
我會攀登每座山And I'd climb every mountain
暢遊每一個海洋And swim every ocean
只為和你在一起Just to be with you
並修復我所受傷的And fix what I've broken
哦,因為我需要你看到Oh, 'cause I need you to see
你就是原因That you are the reason
我不想再戰鬥了I don't wanna fight no more
我不想再隱藏了I don't wanna hide no more
我不想再哭了I don't wanna cry no more
回來我需要你抱著我(你是原因)Come back I need you to hold me (you are the reason)
現在靠近一點Be a little closer now
現在再近一點Just a little closer now
再靠近一點點Come a little closer
今晚我需要你抱著我I need you to hold me tonight
我會攀登每座山I'd climb every mountain
暢遊每一個海洋And swim every ocean
只為和你在一起Just to be with you
並修復我所受傷的And fix what I've broken
因為我需要你看到'Cause I need you to see
你就是原因That you are the reason

我找到了一份愛,對我來說I found a love, for me
親愛的,直接潛入並跟隨我的領導Darling, just dive right in and follow my lead
好吧,我找到了一個女孩,又漂亮又甜美Well, I found a girl, beautiful and sweet
哦,我從來不知道你是那個在等我的人Oh, I never knew you were the someone waiting for me

因為當我們墜入愛河時我們還是孩子'Cause we were just kids when we fell in love
不知道那是什麼Not knowing what it was
這次我不會放棄你I will not give you up this time
但是親愛的,慢慢地吻我But darling, just kiss me slow
你的心是我的全部Your heart is all I own
在你眼裡,你抱著我的And in your eyes, you're holding mine

寶貝,我在黑暗中跳舞Baby, I'm dancing in the dark
把你夾在我的懷裡With you between my arms
赤腳踩在草地上Barefoot on the grass
聽著我們最喜歡的歌Listening to our favourite song
當你說你看起來一團糟When you said you looked a mess
我低聲低語I whispered underneath my breath
但你聽到了But you heard it
親愛的,你今晚看起來很完美Darling, you look perfect tonight

好吧,我找到了一個女人,比我認識的任何人都堅強Well, I found a woman, stronger than anyone I know
她分享我的夢,我希望有天我能分享她的家She shares my dreams, I hope that someday I'll share her home
我找到了一個愛人,承載的不僅僅是我的秘密I found a lover, to carry more than just my secrets
承載愛,承載自己的孩子To carry love, to carry children of our own

我們還是孩子,但我們是如此相愛We are still kids, but we're so in love
排除萬難Fighting against all odds
我知道這次我們會沒事的I know we'll be alright this time
親愛的,只要握住我的手Darling, just hold my hand
做我的女人,我做你的男人Be my girl, I'll be your man
我在你眼裡看到了我的未來I see my future in your eyes

寶貝,我在黑暗中跳舞Baby, I'm dancing in the dark
把你夾在我的懷裡With you between my arms
赤腳踩在草地上Barefoot on the grass
聽著我們最喜歡的歌Listening to our favorite song
當我看到你穿著那件衣服時,看起來很漂亮When I saw you in that dress, looking so beautiful
我不值得這個I don't deserve this
親愛的,你今晚看起來很完美Darling, you look perfect tonight

寶貝,我在黑暗中跳舞Baby, I'm dancing in the dark
把你夾在我的懷裡With you between my arms
赤腳踩在草地上Barefoot on the grass
聽著我們最喜歡的歌Listening to our favorite song
我相信我所看到的I have faith in what I see
現在我知道我親眼見到了天使Now I know I have met an angel in person
她看起來很完美And she looks perfect

我不值得這個I don't deserve this
你今晚看起來很完美You look perfect tonight

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